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I have added this page as an information resourse , technical information on the ingredience of the supplements we use
and WHY.
It is important at Healy's Health to understand WHY ?
we indorce and use certain supplements .
After 30+ years experience we have heard all the
'sales Hype' and the deception of marketing companies
and the associated B.S.
Healy's are only interested in what really works and has stood the test of time and there are only a basic few that have, in this page we give you a deeper knowledge that the 'informed choice' you make at Healy's Supplements is an
Educated one based on our reference points with time tested INTEGRITY.
This Section is a Brief overview of the HEALY'S HEALTH URBAN MUSCLE functional Range and HOW they work and WHEN to use them
Detailed analysis of the individual components of each supplement ingredient are listed in the section further below with reference books listed below.
Because URBAN MUSCLE supplement packages are, we believe, are perfect in every respect of dosage,quality of ingredience and quality control, and certified by the Australian Government peak body the Therapeutic Good Administration TGA .
We have added foot notes
to the supplement descriptions and EXPANDED upon the extra benefits of our supplements referencing the books written by Professor Barrie Finnin and Richard A Passwater and Bill Phillips (refer bottom of page).
In the Light of Illegal Drugs scandals in Australian
In Football codes as recently as September 2013 it amazes us here at Healy's Health as to why there is such an ignorant recourse to illegal substances both in body-building and Sports codes by persons who have little of no knowledge and lead other 'innocent' parties astray.
when we have the WORLDS BEST LEGALLY SAFE SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS made right here in Brisbane Australia.
I, (Graham Healy) founder of Healy's Health,
Challenge any Football Code, Athlete or Body-builder
to see the dramatic difference in recovery, sports performance and explosive power all done naturally and legally .
Australia Sports Anti-doping Authority Video on Supplements
Video overview on Healys Health Urban Muscle supplements by Graham Healy
Amino Acids & supplements the Pathway to Total Health by Graham Healy (Click immage)
Compare the Quanity of the actual ingredients in our product with any competitors
I have added this page in to HIGHLIGHT some of The Benefits and Features of Healys Health Urban Muscle Supplements with some more DEPTH and DETAIL on Ingredients
Graham Healy
medical studies by Italian researcher A.Isidori the University of Rome in 1981.state an increase of Gh release of up to 700% after 1.5 hrs .
Growth hormone (GH)
also called somatotropin or human growth hormone peptide hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
It stimulates the growth of essentially all tissues of the body, including bone.
GH is synthesized and secreted by anterior pituitary cells called somatotrophs, which release between one and two milligrams of the hormone each day.
(Body Cell regeneration needs FAT as fuel)
(Rapid eye movement)
(Growth Hormone Natturally decreases by
14% every 10 years of human Life)
Amino Acids & supplements the Pathway to
Total Health by Graham Healy
(Click immage)

FINALLY a SUPPLEMENT named after me GH Graham Healy ha! ha!

60 x 3 gram serves
Urban Muscle - UM GH Catalyst is a natural HGH supplement that will have you feeling on top of the world in no time.
HGH or Human Growth Hormone is a protein hormone made up of 191 amino acids and is secreted by cells located in the pituitary gland called somatrophs.
The human body continues to produce the same amount of growth hormone for it’s entire life, however the aging pituitary cells release less and less as we get older. GH release declines at a rate of about 14% per decade which greatly contributes to the aging process and is directly associated with symptoms such as wrinkling of the skin, drecreased energy, graying hair, reduced sexual function, increased body fat, cardiovascular disease, poor sleep and many more.
Because HGH is the master hormone in the body, it controls all other hormone levels including the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen.
What can higher GH levels do for me?
Improved sleep quality (particularly REM sleep)
Decreased body fat
Elevated mood
Increased lean muscle and repair
Increased energy and vitality
Increased bone strength
increased sexual function
Better Kidney function
increase HDL,decrease LDL cholesterol
Faster wound healing
Hair re-growth
Enhances activities of all other hormones
Increase Immune fuction
Increase Exercise performance
decrease blood pressure
Increase memory retention
Decrease menopausal symptoms
Removes wrinkles
and much more.
as other amino acids can prevent this very special amino combination from doing it’s job.
Take one rounded teaspoon (3g) before bed or upon rising.
Try our 60 serve (2 month supply) for yourself, you won't be disappointed.
100% Australian Owned Manufactured in Brisbane Queensland

Compare Dosage and Quality of this GH product we are 1/3 less expensive than any competitor WHY ? We manufacture in TGA approved local Brisbane, Queensland, Australia laboratories NO MIDDLE MAN TO PAY

The Fountain of Youth and it works!
Urban Muscle’s GH Catalyst is based on the formula discovered by Italian researcher A.Isidori the University of Rome in 1981.
In the study 15 male volunteers were given an oral dose of a combination of two amino acids (1200mg. l-arginine-2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylate & 1200mg l-lysine hydrochloride) on an empty stomach. This provoked a release of pituitary somatropin(natural HGH) at very significant level and was found to be easily reproducible. The study showed a massive 700% increase in growth hormone levels within 90 minutes of administration and levels were still elevated by over 300% 8hrs later.